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Yes, wild rabbits can be tamed with patience, time, and proper training techniques.

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Q: Can you tame wild rabbits
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Related questions

How do wild rabbits adapt to getting food in the woods?

wild rabbits eat practically the same as tame rabbits, there vegetarians so all the eat is plants so they don't really have to adapt.

What is rabbits house?

A tame rabbit is housed in a 'hutch' and wild rabbit's live underground in a burrow.

What are the names of house of rabbit?

Wild rabbits live in burrows underground, while tame rabbits usually live in a wooden structure called a hutch.

What is a home of tame rabbit?

The name of a rabbit's home depends on a few things. If it's your pet then it's a hutch, and if it's wild it's a burrow, run, or warren.

What do you call a rabbits home starting with h?

Well if you mean tame rabbits then it's called a hutch. Wild rabbits usually live in a hole or some kind of undergound thing. Hope that helps.

What is the opposite tame?

Tame is where you have a animal that is perfectly OK around people

How do you tame wild dogs in minecraft?

You can tame wild dogs by giving them bones.

Where were rabbits born?

Rabbits are native to the Iberian Peninsula: Spain. They are now endangered there.

Is a bat tame or wild?

a bat is tame

What is the oppoisite of tame?


Are baby sheep wild or tame?

they are tame but is depends if you bother them, then they might be wild depending on how you bother them they are tame but is depends if you bother them, then they might be wild depending on how you bother them

What are the Esperanto words for wild and tame?

Sovaĝaj and malsovaĝaj are the Esperanto words for wild and tame.