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Q: Can you eat falafel
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Can you eat falafel when you are pregnant?

Certainly; falafel is quite nutritious.

What should you eat in Israel?

shwarma and falafel

What do israelits eat?

Isrealis love eating Falafel

What do Israelis eat with pita bread?

Salad, falafel, eggs, etc.

When was Falafel - film - created?

Falafel - film - was created in 2006.

What is Falafel Software's population?

The population of Falafel Software is 2,008.

When was Falafel Software created?

Falafel Software was created in 2003.

What is the duration of Falafel film?

The duration of Falafel - film - is 1.38 hours.

Why does falafel come from where it does?

Because if it came from any other place, it wouldn't be called falafel.

How do you pronounce falafel?

Falafel is pronounced "fuh-LAH-fuhl."

What is a good recipe using falafel?

A good recipe using falafel is make the falafel with chickpeas, salad leaves, cumin, coriander, chilli and garlic powder or cloves. Serve with yogurt on top.

What rhymes with falafel?
