Yes, neutered male cats generally get along well with spayed female cats. Neutering reduces aggressive behavior and territorial instincts in male cats, making them more likely to peacefully coexist with female cats.
Male cats are neutered and female cats are spayed.
Female cats get spayed. Male cats get neutered. It's the smart thing to do.
Keep them away from other intact cats of the opposite sex. It is much easier and less worrisome to have them spayed or neutered, however. Female cats will go into heat every 8 days if they are not spayed, and it is not a pleasant experience. Also spayed female cats have a largely decreased risk of ovarian and mammary tumors, and neutered male cats have a largely decreased risk of prostate cancer. If cats are neutered/spayed before they reach sexual maturity it will also prevent bad behaviors such as spraying.
Male cats are often more likely to get along with female cats, as long as they are spayed/neutered. Unneutered males may display territorial behavior and may not get along with female cats. It ultimately depends on the individual cat's personality and socialization.
Neutering refers to the surgical removal of a male cat's testes, while spaying refers to the surgical removal of a female cat's ovaries and uterus. As such, neutered cats are already sterilized, so they do not need to be spayed.
Spay or neuter depends on gender, not species. Females are spayed, males are neutered.
Yes, un neutered males will try to mate with spayed females.
Cats in a household get along based on personality more than what sex they are. Having them spayed and neutered also is helpful for peace in the household.
First of all female cats aren't neutered they are spayed. The tom probably isn't neutered and all he smells are the two female cats inside.
I think you mean Neutered? :P Well cat's get Neutered because the owner does not wish for the cat to get other female cats pregnant. Neutering is for Male cats and Spaying is for Female Cats. If you would like to breed cats, then don't get them neutered/spayed! If you do not get your cat neutered, it doesn't mean that it's going to get female cats pregnant, you'll just have to keep a close eye on them. I have noticed that when a cat is in heat, it gets rather annoying! But that's just me! :)
That depends on if you're cat is neutered or spayed...or not. If they are will find kittens. If they are...they will get along very well. Usually, cats that are neutered or spayed will not fall in love...only make close bonds.
Yes, a neutered male cat can live harmoniously with an unneutered female cat, but it is recommended to have both cats spayed or neutered to prevent unwanted litters and reduce behavioral issues.