They would be considered predators as they live off other fish species by rasping flesh and consuming the oozing blood .
Lampreys are jawless fishes with cartilaginous skeletons. Most lampreys are parasites on other fishes and are marine animals. A few lamprey species live in freshwater. All sharks live in the sea and have cartilaginous skeletons. Most sharks are predators, but a few are filter feeders on marine plankton.
Sea lampreys are eaten by larger predators like sharks. However, the most common predator of these creatures are human beings.
Surfeit of Lampreys was created in 1941.
Sea lampreys drink or eat blood
Sea lampreys are fish.
Sea Lampreys have been known since ancient times.
No, lampreys are a cartilaginous fish, and being made of cartilage, they have no bones.
Lampreys differ from hagfishes by having a notochord that is surrounded by a tube of cartilage.
WE ARE. The number one predator to sturgeon is humans. Sea Lions and Lampreys also. Bass are known to eat baby sturgeon and many fish eat their eggs like Sculpin.
Birds and mammals are air breathers. Lampreys are not.