Acetic acid is the active ingredient found in vinegar. This compound can effectively kill bacteria and can be used as an inexpensive disinfectant.
NO, gopher snakes do not kill rattle snakes.
Drinking vinegar will not kill you.
Yes. Because lots of people are terribly frightened of snakes, most of the time those people kill the snakes. If you don't kill snakes, snakes could kill you, and especially the python and cobra snakes. If they strangle you, you will die. That's why it is fair to kill snakes. Answered: Wednesday, 3rd of march 2009
no scorpions kill snakes instead of snakes killing scorpions did that awnser your question
* Many birds kill snakes. * Racoons and possums have been known to kill snakes. * Some dogs will kill snakes. * Coyotes and wolves will kill snakes if hungry enough. * Other snakes kill snakes. * Mongooses kill snakes. * Humans kill snakes. * Horses generally do not like snakes and will stomp them if they have the chance.
no farm animals kill snakes unless it has to
it can be but pour a llot of bleach on it face
Vinegar alone will not kill yellow jackets but if you mix it with other ingredients it will kill them. You will need to mix vinegar with water and liquid dish soap.
Vinegar kills plants.
Vinegar does kill dust mites. Mixing a bowl of water with vinegar will help get rid of problem dust mites.
Geese are known to be territorial and aggressive towards perceived threats, which can include snakes. While geese may harass or attack snakes that come too close to their nest or territory, they do not actively seek out snakes to kill them.