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To gain the trust of an abused cat, it is important to be patient, gentle, and consistent in your interactions with them. Provide a safe and quiet environment, offer treats and toys, and give them space to approach you on their own terms. Building a bond based on trust and understanding will take time, but with patience and love, the cat can learn to trust again.

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Q: How can you gain the trust of an abused cat?
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Have you ever abused your cat?

No, I have never abused my cat.

How can I gain a cat's trust?

To gain a cat's trust, be patient, gentle, and consistent in your interactions with them. Offer treats, play with them, and give them space when needed. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises that may startle them. Over time, your cat will learn to trust you through positive experiences and bonding moments.

How can you gain the trust of a scared cat?

To gain the trust of a scared cat, approach them calmly and slowly, avoid making sudden movements or loud noises. Offer treats or toys to build a positive association, and give them space to come to you on their own terms. Patience and consistency are key in earning a scared cat's trust.

How can you gain a cat's trust?

To gain a cat's trust, spend time with them regularly, be patient, and show them gentle affection. Offer treats, play with them, and create a safe and comfortable environment for them to feel secure. Consistent care and attention will help build a strong bond with your cat.

How can your cat trust you again you hit her hard she was attached to you the first time?

you just have to slowly gain its trust back and sooner or later she will trust you again

Are cats abused more then dogs?

Yes cat are abused more then dog

Do the abused animals get meaner?

Yes and no. IF you abuse an animal, they could get meaner but most get skiddish. They start to hate humans. It takes a long time to get an animal to gain trust after abuse.

How do you make a Siamese cat like you?

Siamese are particularly friendly cats, so it shouldn't be too hard if it is a kitten. Kittens are very impressionable becasuse of their innocence. Just make sure you are gentle and kind and the kitten will eventually come to. But if the cat is older, it may be harder. If the cat has had a good life, it can be as easy as a kitten, you just need to gain it's trust. Try playing with it with cat toys or feeding it treats. But if the cat has had a bad past, it can be hard. You first want to gain the cats trust, but don't want to come on too strong or else you'll scare it. Once u gain it's trust a little, try playing with some cat toys with the cat in a nonchalant manner. Feeding it treats may also help. Start out not spending too much time with the cat, slowly spending more time with it. Eventually, it shouldgain your trust. But beware, with a cat with a past, trust can be easily broken in the early stages of friendship.

Can you gain fairies trust?

You can gain there trust you just have to work hard and never give up until they trust you

Does a meow from a German cat sound different to a cat from the US?

It all depends on the cat itself, if a cat in Germany was abused it would sound different from a cat from the U.S. which was not abused, but if same physical condition and same species and same sex most likely not.

What animal gets abused the must?

Cat and Dogs

What are reasons how cats don' t like people?

Cats are very picky about the people they trust. Sometimes a cat's past can reflect on the attitude of the cat towards humans now. For say if the cat was beaten or abused in any way it will more than likely be scared or untrusting towards humans.