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There are several ways to make a cat mad, such as ignoring their boundaries, handling them roughly, or disrupting their routine. Cats can also become upset if they feel threatened or scared. It's important to understand a cat's body language and respect their space to avoid making them mad.

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Q: How can you make a cat mad?
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Where can one view mad cat images?

You can view mad cat images online at know your meme. They have some cats that really seem pretty mad. Photobucket also has mad cat images that you can view.

Can cat's purr when they are mad?


How do you make a cat out of txt like when text messaging?

^--^ (='.'=) / ("")("") Theres a cat hope that helps I txt this and a bunny to my boyfriend all the time it's funny cause he gets mad cause he can't make them

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We are all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad. --The Cat

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The drug Mad Cat is a monoamine alkaloid. It's technical name is called Methcathinone and it's commonly used a recreational drug.

What is the sound a mad cat makes?

They make aloud screech if they just got hurt. If they don't want to be held or touched, they let out a long meow or a sharp loud one. I have three cats. And one isn't very nice. If the cat's wimping they let out a low meow you can tell immediately that the cat is hurt. If your cat is angry or scared, it might growl or hiss at the thing it is mad at. or if it is scared it might puff up its fur to look bigger.

If a cat purrs does it sometimes mean it is mad?

A cat purrs when it is happy or is feeling safe.

Why he wrote macavity the mystery cat?

because he is mad.

How do people effect your animal?

If you are talking about your pet, Your mood can effect your dog or cat. If you yell when you're mad, you can make your cat feel unsafe, and want to run away. Also if you have a great mood around your pet they can feel good too. If you kiss someone, pets can get mad, and jump on you!

When a cat wags its tail is iit mad?

Cat's tails twitch and wag slightly no matter what mood they are in. It really depends on your cat.

What does it mean if you are a cat in your dream?

Nothing, unless in all your dreams your a cat, if so your going mad. Or in your next life you will be a cat, or something.

Why does your cat hate you?

your cat will never hate you unless you abuse it,its just mad or inter ested in something else,my cat inors me to