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Well, darling, if you're feeling brave enough to take a peek down there, you'll find that male cats have a distance between their anus and their genital opening, while female cats have a shorter distance. Or you can just ask the cat nicely, but good luck getting a straight answer out of them!

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4d ago
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4w ago

You can tell if a cat is a boy or a girl by looking at their genitalia. Male cats have a penis and testicles, while female cats have a vulva. Additionally, a veterinarian can also determine the sex of a cat through a physical examination.

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How can you tell if a cat is a girl or a boy?

You can tell if a cat is a girl or a boy by looking at their genitalia. Male cats have a penis and testicles, while female cats have a vulva. Additionally, male cats are typically larger and have a broader head than female cats.

How can I tell if my cat is a boy or a girl?

To determine if your cat is a boy or a girl, you can look at their genital area. Male cats have a scrotum and penis, while female cats have a vulva. If you are unsure, it is best to consult a veterinarian for confirmation.

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