Dogs say "hello" to other dogs by sniffing each other's rear ends.
The proper way is for a dog to sniff the rear end of another dog. If a dog goes face to face, it is confrintational.
This is pretty difficult as dogs can't talk.
That's How They SAy Hello!
To basicly say, Hey! Come meet me! Sniffing butt means Hello in Dog. One sniff tells Dogs everything about one another. :^)
I guess You can say that, but when they sniff the behinds its usually a form of hello. I hope that helped. :/
maybe your gay Maybe your maybe should maybe tmrw lick the come on
nothing, dogs can't talk.
You hello by barking just like a dog.
In dog language, saying hello is often done through sniffing and body language. Dogs also greet each other by wagging their tails, licking each other's faces, and making friendly vocalizations such as barking or whining.
Dog's don't 'say' hello like humans do. Instead they usually bark a lot, or bark loudly to acknowledge the fact that they are happy or excited to see someone, such as a owner. When they bark, or rapidly wag their tails, that is occasionally a sign of a dog greeting you.
Give your feet to the dog and the dog will say "spaghetty" then when he says it you say yesss i tooo then he kill you and thats the best answer mans