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Adaptation helps animals survive in their environment or niche. Behavioral adaptation can be inherited or learnt. Anatomical adaptation depends on physical features such as shape.

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Q: How can adaptations help an animal in relation to their niche?
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How did their adaptations help the animal survive?

It depends on the animal.

How adaptations help organisms survive'?

Adaptations help because they help the animal to get food easier, or to find shelter, and help them get the necessities they need to live.

What are the 4 things that adaptations help organisms to?

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How are behavioral adaptations like structural adaptations How are they different?

Both types of adaptations help organisms to survive long enough to have offspring. Physcial adaptations include body parts and functions that help an animal survive. Behavioral adaptations are things that an animal does that increases its odds of survival, for example, squirrels storing food for the winter.

How animal live in mountains?

They have adaptations that help them survive the cold or hot weather.

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A Kinkajous adaptation is something that help the animal survive in it habitat.

How does learning about different kinds of animals feet help you understand animal adaptations?

it help to let duck swim with it feet

Do animal adaptations that help them get food change over time?

yes any kind of adaptation changes over time, is to help the animal improve as well as survive. (survival of the fittest)

What is the okapi's niche?

wikianswers does not help at all it does not give the info u want such as this!!!!!!!!wikianswers does not help at all it does not give the info u want such as this!!!!!!!!

What is behavorial adaptations?

a behavioral adaptation is behaviors that help an animal to survive or communicate (ex. a dogs barks, a spider spins its web, a penguin swims, a monkey screeches)

What is a sentence that has evolutionary adaptations in it?

Here are a couple.The evolutionary adaptations of an animal help it to survive.Horns and claws are evolutionary adaptations.

What does the ecological niche of an organism denotes?

The ecological niche of an organism refers to its role and position within an ecosystem, including how it interacts with other species and its physical environment. It encompasses factors such as its diet, habitat preferences, behaviors, and adaptations. Each species occupies a unique ecological niche to help maintain balance and biodiversity in the ecosystem.