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It's the four in front that you have to worry about!

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Q: How many teeth do sidewinders have?
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When did The Sidewinders end?

The Sidewinders ended in 1999.

When did Tucson Sidewinders end?

Tucson Sidewinders ended in 2008.

When was Tucson Sidewinders created?

Tucson Sidewinders was created in 1998.

What sidewinders eat?

Sidewinders often eat eggs and such. Just like most other snakes.

Should sidewinders be endangered?

no! no! no! no!

Average life of sidewinders?

Those sidewinders that survive to adulthood may live as long as twenty five years.

Do sidewinders hibernate?

Sidewinders dont technically hibernate, they become diurnal in the cooler months where it lives. Diurnal means to come out during the day and sleep at night. In the warmer months however, Sidewinders are nocturnal, or night animals.

How often do Sidewinders mate in a year?


What is protecting sidewinders?

a den made of mud

Are sidewinders threatened?

No, they are listed as least concern.

What do sidewinders prey on?

mice and other small rodents

Which snake moves sideways?

They're referred to as sidewinders..