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Ant carpet powder can be harmful to pets if ingested or inhaled. It is important to carefully follow the instructions on the product label and keep pets away from treated areas until the powder has been vacuumed up. It is recommended to use pet-safe alternatives to avoid any potential risks to your furry friends.

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Q: Is ant carpet powder safe for pets?
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Ant poison can be harmful to pets if ingested, so it is not considered pet-safe for use in homes with pets. It is important to use pet-friendly alternatives to control ant infestations in households with pets.

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Yes, pet-safe ant traps can be effective in controlling ant infestations while being safe for pets.

Is there an ant trap that is safe to use around pets?

Yes, there are ant traps that are safe to use around pets. Look for traps that are specifically labeled as pet-safe or non-toxic to pets. It's important to follow the instructions carefully to ensure the safety of your pets.