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The chances of a schnauzer having blue eyes are very low, as the breed typically has dark brown eyes. Blue eyes are considered a rare trait in schnauzers.

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Q: What are the chances of a schnauzer having blue eyes?
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What are the chances of a miniature schnauzer having blue eyes?

The chances of a miniature schnauzer having blue eyes are very low, as this breed typically has dark brown eyes. Blue eyes are considered a rare trait in miniature schnauzers.

I have brown eyes both my parents also have brown eyes My partner has blue eyes and both his parents also have blue eyes What are the chances of my daughter's eyes being blue?

according to genetics your daughter would have a 25% chance of having blue eyes because in humans blue eyes is a reccessive trait and Brown is a dominant. also having blue eyes mean that your eyes are missing something to help prevent pink eye( fun fact)!

What are the chances of inheriting blue eyes, a recessive gene, from both parents?

The chances of inheriting blue eyes, a recessive gene, from both parents is 25.

Ifa woman and man both have brown eyes but their first child has blue eyes what are the chances that their second child will have blue eyes?

If both parents have brown eyes, it means they both carry the dominant brown eye color gene. However, if their first child has blue eyes, it indicates that both parents carry the recessive blue eye color gene. The chances of their second child having blue eyes would be 25%, as both parents would have to pass on the recessive gene for blue eyes.

What if your eyes are blue and your girlfriends eyes are brown Will your child have blue eyes or brown eyes?

You have a better chance of brown, because brown is dominant. If one of your girfriend's parents have blue eyes you have a The your girlfriend is a carrier of the recessive blue eyes gene and there is a 50% chance that your child will have blue eyes. If neither of her parents had blue eyes but one of their parents had blue eyes there is a 25% chance your child will have blue eyes. But statistics do not generally apply perfectly to real life, because life is fairly random. So it's better to say your chances SHOULD be 50% of having a child with blue eyes if one of your girlfriends parents have blue eyes, and your chances SHOULD be 25% etc.....

Can Brown eyed men have a blue eyed child if the mother has blue eyes?

Yes, it is possible for a brown-eyed man and a blue-eyed woman to have a blue-eyed child if both parents carry the gene for blue eyes. Eye color is typically determined by multiple genes, so the child's eye color outcome would depend on the specific combination of genes inherited from each parent.

What color eyes do Superman have?

Superman is typically depicted as having blue eyes.

Which is the dominant gene father has dark brown eyes mother has blue eyes?

Sure you don't mean heterozygous dominant? If you don't there would be no blue eyed offspring. Let's assume you meant heterozygous dominant.B = brownbl = blueBbl X Bbl1/4 of the offspring would have blue eyes, 25%.

What are the chances of a baby having blond hair and blue eyes if the father has black hair and brown eyes and the mother has black hair and hazel eyes?

Unfortunately very slim. It all depends on your background. If any of you have had blood relatives who have had either of these traits, it is possible. However, if not then the chances are extremely rare, maybe even unlikely. another answer... this can occur from ones grandparents genes as their genes may still be with ones parents even if their hair and eyes are unalike in colour. Or theres a milkman involved

Can a brown eyed mom and a blue eyed dad have a blue eyed baby?

Ofcourse they can, the percentages change depending on the parents genes and families aswell...the more blue eye ratio, the more chance of the child having that trait. The blue eyes are probably going to be receptive to the brown eyes, but since one parent has the blue eyes, that bumps up the chances...check the family background, you can get a better idea that way!

Brown eyes are dominant Cross a homozygous brown with a recessive blue What color eyes will the offspring have?

all brown the chances of brown eyes both parents have to have blueeyes for blue eyes to become dominant but its still possible no matter what for blue or brown

Is having brown hair and blue eyes a birth defect?

NO. See the answer for "Reason for brown hair and blue eyes"