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Leopard gecko impaction occurs when the gecko's digestive system is blocked, often due to ingesting substrate or other foreign objects. Symptoms may include loss of appetite, bloating, lethargy, and difficulty passing stool. To identify impaction, look for these signs and consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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Q: What does leopard gecko impaction look like and how can it be identified?
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What does a real gecko look like?

A Leopard Gecko

How can I tell if my leopard gecko is impacted and what should I do if I suspect it is?

If your leopard gecko is impacted, it may show signs like decreased appetite, bloating, and difficulty passing stool. To confirm, you can gently feel its belly for hard lumps. If you suspect impaction, it's important to seek veterinary care promptly. The vet may recommend treatments like warm baths or medication to help your gecko pass the blockage.

Do leopard gecko's have forked tongues?

No, leopard gecko's have solid tounges, like us, only they are very thin. (Note: i do own a leopard gecko, so i should know)

What class is the leopard gecko in?

leopard geckos are in the reptile the family and in the gecko family. Most geckos can adhere to things and climb with their little toes but leopard geckos can't, instead they have claws. If you hold a leopard gecko, you will feel them while something like day geckos they have very soft paws

What is a normal leopard gecko climate?

Leopard geckos live in deserts, so they have a desert- like climate

What lizard has the spots of a cheetah?

The leopard gecko is spotted like a cheetah.

Is there a way of attracting a leopard gecko when hiding if so what is it?

Yes there is a way, put a worm in front of the hole of your rock/hide. and the worm will move and the leopard gecko will come out and eat.I have a leopard gecko myself and that's what i do. Some of them like to be held, some of them a little and some not at all.

What does a black leopard gecko look like?

a leopard looks like a panther but has spots on it...well its kind of hard to explain, I would look it up on google

Does a leopard gecko lose its tail when it gets attacked?

Yes, a leopard gecko drops its tail when threaten. It does this to distract the attacker so that it would attack the tail which is no longer on the gecko but still moves and wriggles. (Like some kind of cat toy.)

Do leopard geckos like tummy rubs?

it depends on how close you are to your leopard gecko. for instance, when my sister goes into my room, my leopard gecko hides in her cave. if i go into my room, she comes out of her cave and watches me. she loves tummy rubs, only if i give them. she didnt always like tummy rubs. she had to like me first.

What fruit do leopard geckos eat?

Leopard geckos are meat-eaters. NO FRUIT. Its best to feed your gecko insects like crickets : )

Should i get a leopard gecko or a bearded dragon?

Only if you'd like to, but I wouldn't consider it.