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An animal that is a mammal can use their mammary glands to feed their young. Some animals that are mammals are whales, cows, pigs, dogs, and cats.

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Q: What animal uses mammary glands to feed their young?
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What common featuers do mammals have?

They have mammary glands to feed their young.

Will bats come under in animal or bird?

Animal. Bats actually belong to the class Mammalia, they are mammals, they feed their young milk from mammary glands.

Why did mammals feed their young with milk from their female mammary glands?

Because that is the intent of those glands.

What are structures found in female mammals that produce milk to feed the young?

Those are the mammary glands in all mammals

What is a difference between the platypus's and the Echidna's feeding their young?

they both have mammary glands which they use to feed their young

Why are dogs known as mammals?

They have hair , mammary glands and they feed their young ones with milk .

All mammals feed their young with milk produced in what?

Milk is produced in the "mammary glands".

Do kangaroo rats breast feed their babies?

yes. all mammals feed there young milk from mammary glands.

How is a whales mammary gland used?

A whale's mammary glands are located near the groin of the whale. Females use these glands to feed their young, much like other mammals.

Why do pigs belong to Class Mammalia?

Because they are animals that have hair, bear live young and feed these young with milk from mammary glands.

What four traits that characterize the pig as a mammal?

They have hair, give birth to live young, and have mammary glands that feed their young.

Is a dwarf crocodile a mammal?

A crocodile is not a mammal, rather, it is a reptile. The defining characteristic of mammals is the possession of mammary glands (hence the name). These are the glands which make milk to feed the young (one of the definitions of mammal),and only mammals have them. Crocodiles do not feed their young on milk, do not have mammary glands and cannot therefore be mammals.