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Q: What are words that rhyme with daughter?
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This type of rhyme is present when the words are very similar in appearance but don't have the same sound such as daughter and laughter?

eye rhyme

Is present when the words when the words are very similar in appearance but don't have the same sound such as daughter and laughter?

eye rhyme

Is daughter and laughter a eye rhyme?

Yes, daughter and laughter are an eye/sight rhyme.

Eye rhyme refers to words that both sound alike and look alike?

No they look alike but sound differently. Like rhyming "tough" with "bough" or "laughter" with "daughter". Usually such words used to rhyme but pronounciations have changed the sound of one of the words, while spelling has remained constant. (E.g. "daughter" used to sound like "laughter")

What rhymes with squatter?

There are several words that rhyme with squatter. Here are some of them. daughter hotter jotter potter rotter spotter slaughter totter water

Does in rhyme with out?

No. The word "in" does not rhyme with out.Examples of words that rhyme with out:AboutBoutCloutDoubtFloutGoutGroutLoutPoutRoutShoutSnoutStoutToutTroutExamples of words that rhyme with in:BinDinFinGinHenMenSinTenTinWhenWenWinYenYinZen

What words rhyme with gays?

Words that Rhyme with gays:baysblazebraiseclaysdaysdazeflaysglazegreysgrazehazejayslaysmazemaizeMaysneighsnayspaysphraseplayspraysraysslaysspaysspraysstaysstraystazetrayswaysWaze

How many words rhyme with yule?

30 words rhyme with yule.Some words that rhyme with yule:CoolCruelDroolDuelFerruleFeruleFoolFuelGhoulJewelMinisculeMinusculeMisruleMoleculeMuleOverrulePlayschoolPoolPuleRetoolRidiculeRuleSchoolSpoolStoolToolTulleUncoolVestibuleYou'll

What words rhyme with loop?

Words that rhyme with loop include:coopcroupdroophooppoopstoopsouptroop

This type of rhyme is present when the words are very similar in appearance but don't have the same sound such as daughter and laughter.?

This is called an "eye rhyme" and sometimes one word will be deliberately mispronounced to make an actual rhyme, or for literary effect.

What is an external rhyme?

External rhyme is rhyme that happens on the "outside" of the poem. In other words, the words at the end of the lines rhyme.

Does eight rhyme with right?

No it doesn't.Some words that rhyme with right are:biteblightbrightbytecitefightflightfrightheightkiteknightlightmightmitenightplightquiteritesightsitesleightslightspitespritetighttritewhitewrightwriteSome words that rhyme with eight are:atebaitbatedatefategatehatelatematepateplateratesatetraitwaitweight