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hi if u were wondering what they eat,heres your answer:they eat...cows (yuck!),chickens (also yuck!),and they eat poor little rabbits! (poor them!) that's all i know if you know more asap please!write here i am doing a science project on this thankz,

your smart friend lolz!,Selena!not Selena Gomez!>=( Selena something i cant tell u,u stalker! =D hey stupid they eat humans

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Q: What do cayote eat?
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What does a cayote eat?

small animals, rodents, squirrels, bird eggs, etc.

Is a cayote a mammal?


Can a cayote breed with a dog?


Is cayote sands a real place?

 Yes, it is.

What is so good about living on a farm?

Well, if you lived on a "good" farm, you wouldnt want your crops to be hailed on. Or you wouldnt want a cayote to eat your cattle for la cena.

Is a road runner faster then a cayote?

Capote because it 4 legged

What eats an adult frog apart from a human?

some water dwelling birds will. even a muskrat, fox, cayote, or bager will if it's hungry enough. Snakes Bullfrogs eat smaller frogs!

How does a cayote move?

A COYOTE moves in a qudrapedal fashion. (It moves on it's 4 legs)

How do you treat a dog that was bit by a cayote in the 1800s?

They probably just killed the dog if it was rabid or locked it away.

Where can cayote's be found?

Coyotes can be found throughout North and Central America, from Canada to Mexico. They are highly adaptable and can thrive in various habitats, including forests, deserts, and urban areas.

An animal with 6 letters?

monkey parrot python turkey dragon spider puffin walrus turtle cayote donkey gerbil hornet rabbit piglet kitten cougar lizard

What actors and actresses appeared in Valse Nostalgique - 2010?

The cast of Valse Nostalgique - 2010 includes: Weylin Cayote Wegner as Alvaro Anita Papp as Jelina John Zanki as Petrovich Edgar Zuniga as Guard