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A hen house is a thing that farmers use to help protect their laying chickens.

A hen house is a place that chickens go for refuge and rest.

In reality, a place is a thing. Everything is a thing except a person.

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a coop

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a thing

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Q: What do you call a hen's home?
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What do you call a female turkey that has poults?

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What do you call hens house?

Its normally referred to as a Coop.

What you call a person keeps hundreds of hens?

Hen hoarder

What do you call a baby Hen?

A chick

What is the name of a flock hens?

A group of hens is called a brood.

What do you call a female chicken that hasn't had offspring?

Young hens are called 'PULLETS".

What do you call hens that no longer lay?

Stew meat. ;) Old chickens don't actually have any special nomenclature. "Pullets" are young, immature female chickens and "hens" are mature, female chickens. However, most hens will continue laying until the year they die, just not nearly in the quantity that they did when they were 1 year old.

Will your chickens return to the same place to sleep?

Yes, it only takes a few days for the chickens to know where they live. The rooster will call the hens home before dark if you have one, but they almost always find their way to the coop even without a rooster calling them home. When new hens are introduced to the flock they sometimes try to roost outside the coop the first night until they are used to the pecking order (who sleeps where).

What is the singular and plural possessive form of hen?

The plural form for the noun chicken is chickens; the plural possessive form is chickens'.