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Penguins in general are excellent swimmers, but none of them can fly.

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Q: What penguin can swim up to 40kmh but cant fly?
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What bird can fly and swim under water the longest?

The penguin can swim the longest underwater. The penguin can swim the longest underwater.

Are hesperornis related to penguins?

well, they aren't equally similar, but they are similar, they cant fly -like a penguin- and it can swim fast and eats fish -like a penguin- but its still a bird -which is gay-

How far can a penguin fly?

Penguins cant fly.

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Airplanes fly because they cant swim.

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a penguin is all i can think of.

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What type of bird swims well and cant fly?

A penguin.

Can a penguin move?

Yes, they can walk or sledge on land and can fly (swim) through water.

What bird can fly and swim but not walk?

The Diebel bird, found in and around Pittsburgh.