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what is the shape of the land in Lydian

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Q: Where did lydians live?
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What did lydians work for?

Lydians worked for the herdouts

Who developed a money economy the Phoenicians or the lydians?


The most contribution of the lydians to history was?

lydians is the one who started using coins

When did the Lydians invent the coin?

The Lydians invented the coin around 500 BC

What are the lydians known for?

The Lydians are known for being the first to use real coinage money.

When did the Lydians live?

The Lydian's lived in 685 B.C.E.. These people lived in Lydia, and spoke their own language, which was called Lydian.

What did Phoenicians and the lydians each contribute to the civilization of southwestern Asia?

The Innovations Of The Phoenicians And Lydians Change The Lives Of The People In Southwestern Asia By/Because/Are Their Cultures Never Became Large Empires ,Their Contributions To History Continue To Live On Today .

What were the lydians known for?


Who invente the first coin?

the lydians

What did Lydians created?

they created coins.....

Inventors of the first coins?

The Lydians.

Who invented the gold coin?
