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Q: Where do geoduck live?
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What is a geoduck?

It is a giant clam.

Is geoduck also a bird?


Is a geoduck a mammal or a reptile?


What was the name of the actors who played crowbar and geoduck in ma and pa kettle movies?

Oliver Blake as Geoduck and Teddy Hart as Crowbar .

Names of ma and pa kettles Indians?

Crowbar and Geoduck

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What are the release dates for About Us - 2003 3 Feet Under Digging Deep for the Geoduck Clam?

About Us - 2003 3 Feet Under Digging Deep for the Geoduck Clam was released on: USA: 12 May 2006

What are the release dates for Dirty Jobs - 2005 Geoduck Farmer 2-14?

Dirty Jobs - 2005 Geoduck Farmer 2-14 was released on: USA: 18 July 2006 Australia: 9 January 2008

What might the clam do if you disturb it?

The Geoduck squirts water. The rest just clam-up

Is a geoduck really duck?

No, the geoduck is not really a duck. It has nothing to do with ducks or birds in general. It is, in fact, a clam, the elephant-truck clam, as the Chinese call it. The name comes from it's very long siphon, usually over 3 ft long.

What is oc doi voi in English?

If you mean "Ốc Vòi Voi", it's called geoduck clam

Is a clam a gooey duck?

A geoduck, which is pronounced something like "gooey duck", is indeed a sort of clam.