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Q: Which subatomic particle in an atom carries negative charge?
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What carries a subatomic particle charge?

The proton is positive and the electron is negative.

What subatomic particle carries a negative electric charge?

The electron is the most important subatomic particle with a negative charge. There are others, however.Electron. Muon. Quarks: down, strange, and bottom.electron

What is the subatomic particle with a negative charge?

The subatomic particle with a negative charge is the electron.

What is a subatomic particle with a negative eletrical charge?

The subatomic particle with a negative charge is called an electron.

Which subatomic particle has a negative chrage?

The electron is the subatomic particle with a negative charge.

Which subatomic particle or particles have a negative charge?

Electrons are the subatomic particles that have a negative charge.

Elementary particle that carries a negative charge and almost no mass?

An electron is an elementary particle that carries a negative charge and has a very small mass.

A particle in a atom that has a negative charge is a?

Electrons and down quarks have negative charge, as do strange and bottom quarks, along with muons and taus.

What is a negatively charged subatomic particle'?

A negatively charged subatomic particle is an electron. It orbits the nucleus of an atom and carries a negative electrical charge.

What is a tiny particle with a negative electrical charge?

An electron is a tiny particle that carries a negative electrical charge. It is a fundamental subatomic particle found in atoms.

What subatomic particle has mass nearly equal to that of a proton but carries no electrical charge?

The neutron is a subatomic particle that has mass nearly equal to that of a proton but carries no electrical charge.

Subatomic particle that has a negative charge?

In an atom the electron has a negative charge.