Tetras can lose their color due to stress, illness, poor water quality, or aging. These factors can affect the pigmentation of their scales, causing them to appear dull or faded.
Tetras can lose color due to stress, poor water quality, or illness. To prevent color loss, maintain good water quality, provide a balanced diet, and ensure a stress-free environment. If tetras do lose color, addressing the underlying cause, such as improving water conditions or treating any illnesses, can help restore their color.
Lemon tetra (not all yellow but cool)
I think you have made a spelling mistake and are actually asking about "Tetra Color" If that is the case then the answer is definitely NO. Tetra colour has been specially designed is for feeding Tetras. Goldfish are not Tetras. Goldfish need food that has been made for Goldfish. There is heaps of it around.
Yes they do.
Tetras are freshwater fish.
Capsicum will always lose its color when cooked or heated. The idea is to add enough to where it won't lose the desired color in the final product.
No, neon tetras have very short tails.
No, tetras of the same type tend to school together, although some tetras are know to be a bit more aggressive than others.
Aaahhh! Male cardinal tetras Ooohhh! Who asked this?
Glow tetras would do well on tropical flake food.
Neon Tetras do very well in soft and slightly acidic water. If there are a couple of Neon Tetras left, it may be best to quarantine them in a separate tank.