A pot belly in cats can be caused by various factors, such as overeating, lack of exercise, or underlying health issues like worms or organ problems. It is important to consult a veterinarian to determine the exact cause and address any potential health concerns.
Sea cucumber, Rhodesian Pot Belly Pig, or Belizian jungle cat.
o pot belly pigs get lice
how hot does a pot belly stove get in side
probably because it's shaped like an old-fasioned soup pot/cauldron.
where can i fin d a pot belly pig
A pot belly is just a round protruding belly. More commonly used describing men but can be used for women. Comes from the shape of an old cooking pot. Used commonly in England. Similar to a beer belly
Type your answer here... Pot - Pot belly and teapot
Compound words ending with belly: beer belly, pot belly
No, a cat did not jump on my pregnant belly.
Yes, my cat has lost hair on its belly.
Yes, the pot belly in Labrador dogs is curable for a three month puppy.