Cats may not like fish due to individual preferences, dietary needs, or past experiences. Some cats may not be attracted to the smell or taste of fish, while others may have developed aversions from being fed fish-based diets. It is important to provide a balanced diet for your cat based on their specific needs and preferences.
Your fish has issues
All domestic cats like fish.
THey have whiskers like a cat
Cats like tuna and salmon the best of all the fish. However, it is really up to your cat as to which kind of fish is his favorite.
Yes, catfish are fish, that is why they have "fish" in their name :). Also the word "cat" is only a statement in the name because of it's cat-like whiskers.
a cat fish
If I were a cat, I would prefer fish over dry cat food or canned. Besides I don't know what it is but cats are drawn to fish like a magnet.
it means rotten fish breath like from a sun fish or a cat fish gross!
Fish isn't a cat, end of.
cats eat alot of stuff like cat food, fish, fish sticks
no, cat fish are like any other fish apart from looks!
A catfish is a type of fish found in freshwater habitats. It is characterized by its whisker-like barbels around its mouth, which resemble a cat's whiskers, hence the name. Catfish are popular in cuisine and fishing due to their mild flavor and white flesh.