The mom cat may be hissing at her 4-month old kitten to establish boundaries, discipline the kitten, or protect her territory. Hissing is a way for the mom cat to communicate with her kitten and teach it proper behavior.
The mom cat is hissing at the kitten to establish dominance, protect her territory, or discipline the kitten for misbehaving. Hissing is a way for cats to communicate their boundaries and assert their authority.
The mom cat may hiss at her kittens to establish boundaries, discipline them, or protect them from perceived threats.
Just meow, they'll catch on..
you give her resons y she should give u one. mom give me a cat cause......
no,but really a kitten should start eating from cat food is when the mother
Not really. The mother cat will usually eat the kitten placentas and will, as a result, get back a small amount of the protein she has expended in creating the kittens. But there is nothing special about the placentas, and depriving the mother cat of them will not hurt her.
Just like any cat they care for their kittens, but kitten stays with mom for 2 years.
You'll first see a bulging sac begin to protrude. Do not intervene. Mom cat will be licking herself. She will puncture the sac. She will bear down until she pushes the kitten out. Mom cat should instinctively begin eating and chewing the sac to remove it-- yes gross, but let her. If she's a first time mom, you might need to pull the sac off the kitten's face. It's slimy and bloody--just wash your hands later. LET mom do the cleaning unless she totally won't do it. She will lick to stimulate the kitten to breathe. Then, the whole thing repeats. Put kitten near mom's belly---do NOT touch it a lot. Leave her be-- instincts are amazing.
Scientists believe cats lick their humans to show affection as we show them through petting. But that's about it....................
You have to put up the mama cats food up when the cat isn't eating it and when she needs to eat lock your male kitten in the bathroom or hold him.
To stop a kitten from nursing on its mom, you can gently separate them when the kitten tries to nurse and provide the kitten with its own food and water. Gradually wean the kitten off nursing by offering more solid food and less time with the mom. It's important to monitor the kitten's health and behavior during this process.
Kittens can be safely weaned after 4 weeks, so it would not hurt it at all. Be sure to feed kitten food, and cat milk from the pet store. Do not give cows milk, as cats cannot digest the proteins, and will give cat diarrhea