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Q: What do you keep safe from fire?
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How do you use simple sentence with firefighter?

A firefighter extinguishes fire to keep people safe.

Is it safe to keep my samsung galaxy note 7?

No it is not because it can catch fire wherever you are and injur you

How do you raise fire ants?

you put them in a ant farm and be sure to keep the lid on so that they dont escape. and that you keep them in a safe enviorment.

Is there a safe that is both climate controlled and fire resistant?

Yes, a fire safe will keep your books and documents secure from mold, mildew or dry rot. They range from one hundred and fifty to thousands of dollars.

How many men in a marine fire squad?

like about 50 cause they have to keep each other safe

How do you be safe during fire drills?

Safe during a fire

How you do you keep ourselves safe from harful or dangerous animals?

keeping some fire about on a piece of wood is helpful as animals fear fire.

What are some safety precautions in using fuels and fire?

keep your fuels in a safe place that children can't reach.

What did Samuel Pepys bury in his garden to save from the fire?

cheese and wine :) I could keep them safe and they wouldn't be burned in the fire =P also when i got bac to them after the fire they were there and they safe and after the fire had all gone he could go back to the cheese and the wine and they would be there i would die of hunger or thurst :) From Samuel Pepys

What are the four primary rules for using a firearm?

TREAT, NEVER, KEEP,KEEP Treat every weapon as if it were loaded Never point at anything that you do not intend to shoot keep weapon on safe until you are ready to fire keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you intend to fire

Is it safe for you to dry underwear on your car engine?

It's not ideal, but if you keep your eye on it to avoid fire, then it's OK if necessary.

Keep Family Photos in a Fire Proof Data Safe?

Every year, thousands of families endure the tragic experience of a fire at home. A fire can not only be financially burdensome on a family, but it can also be emotionally burdensome. When a fire occurs at a family's home, usually family photos are burned down to the ground. Ask any family, and they will say the thing they miss most from a home is a family photo album. To protect family photos from ever being destroyed, a family should keep them in a fire proof data safe. A fire proof data safe will ensure photos are not burned to pieces.