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je na pas animal

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Q: What is no pets in French?
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Related questions

How do you say house pets in french?

You can say "animaux de compagnie" in French to refer to house pets.

What is pets in french?

animaux domestiques

Do french people have pets?


What is the french popular pets?

Cats and dogs

How d you say pets in french?


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Do the French have pets?

Yes, many French people have pets such as cats, dogs, birds, and fish. Pets are quite popular in France, with a significant portion of the population owning at least one animal companion.

What pets did Elvis have in french?

quels animaux (familiers) a Elvis ? -

How do you say 'what pets do you have' in french?

Quels animaux avez-vous?

What does les animaux de compagnie mean?

Les animaux de compagnie means "pets" in French.

What is 'pets' when translated from English to French?

Animaux domestiques is a French equivalent of the English phrase "pets." The masculine plural phrase translates literally as "domestic animals" in English. The pronunciation will be "a-nee-mo do-mey-steek" in French.

How do you say that you have no pets in french?

je n'ai pas d'animal domestique