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Humans communicate by using all of their senses. The most prominent form of communication is verbal. There are also nonverbal communications such as touch, body language, and visual. Mechanical communication would include things like writing, pictures, movies and videos and any means that the human mind can devise.

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4mo ago

Humans communicate through a variety of methods including verbal language, written language, body language, and nonverbal cues. These forms of communication allow individuals to convey thoughts, ideas, emotions, and information to one another. Additionally, technology has provided new ways for humans to communicate over long distances through phone calls, text messages, emails, and video calls.

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14y ago
  • With their mouths in concert with their larnyx and lungs.
  • With their hands
  • With their entire body
  • For the fortunate, the brain is involved as well
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Q: How do humans communicate?
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Continue Learning about Anthropology

What do neanderthals have in common with humans?

They could communicate, they were part of our genus, they ate the same as us, they were Humanoid, many, many things.

Why did early humans feel the need to draw and paint?

Early humans used drawing and painting as a way to communicate, record events, and express ideas since written language had not yet been developed. These artistic expressions also served as a way to depict daily life, rituals, and beliefs, and may have had spiritual or religious significance. Overall, it allowed early humans to communicate complex ideas and concepts visually.

Why did ealry modern humans develop sppoken language?

Early modern humans developed spoken language as a way to communicate complex ideas, coordinate group activities, and strengthen social bonds. Language allowed for sharing knowledge, passing down traditions, and developing more sophisticated tools and technologies, ultimately contributing to human evolution and civilization.

What abilities did early humans develop long before the other?

Early humans developed the ability to craft and use tools, control fire, and communicate using language long before other abilities such as farming, writing, or advanced technology. These early developments allowed humans to better adapt and thrive in various environments.

Can humans talk to animals?

While humans can communicate with animals through body language, vocal cues, and training, animals do not have the ability to understand human language in the same way that humans do. However, there are some ways to establish a basic form of communication and understanding between humans and certain animals through training and bonding.

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