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Twelve thoracic vertebrae, same as you have.

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2d ago

Chimpanzees have 13 thoracic vertebrae, the same number as humans.

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Related questions

Who many thoracic vertebra does a human have?

There are 12 thoracic vertebrae

Where is the cervical vertebrae located?

The thoracic vertebrae, of which there are 12.

2 The Thoracic vertebrae is inferior to the lumbar vertebrae?

the thoracic spine is above the lumbar spine which means ALL thoracic vertebrae are superior to the lumbar vertebrae.

What are The parts of the thoracic vertebrae that articulate with the ribs are?

The ribs articulate with the thoracic vertebrae. The thoracic vertebrae also articulate with each other.

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What are the names of the five different types of vertebrae in the vertebral column?

Vertebrae are divided into sections: the atlas and axis account for the first cervical vertebrae, of which there are 7 in total; there are 12 thoracic vertebrae, 7 lumbar vertebrae, 1 sacrum (5 separate vertebrae in a baby), and 1 coccyx (4 separate vertebrae in a baby).

What feature distinguishes thoracic vertebrae from other vertebrae?

Thoracic vertebrae are attached to a pair of ribs

What is the shape of the centrum of the thoracic vertebrae are?

The body or centrum of the thoracic vertebrae are heart shaped. There are twelve thoracic vertebrae in humans and they are located in the chest.

What vertebrae do the ribs attach to?

12 vertebrae have ribs attatched

How many thoracic vertebrae?

The part of the skeleton enclosing the thorax, consisting of the thoracic vertebrae, ribs, coastal cartilages, and sternum.

Which of the vertebrae can be associated with the chest?

The thoracic vertebrae are found in the chest region of the body. Humans have twelve thoracic vertebrae which are located between the cervical and lumbar vertebrae.

How many thoracic vertebrae in a human neck?