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Such is like saying "if there are two leaves on a tree, why are there no leaves between them?"

We did not evolve from chimpanzees. Our nearest common ancestor with them was around 7 million years ago. From that point onwards, there is plenty of fossil evidence indicating tranisitional species between that ancestor and us, and between that ancestor and the modern chimps.

The leaves do not have a direct link between themselves. Instead, they are connected via the branches they rest upon.

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1d ago

The common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans likely lived millions of years ago, with gradual changes leading to separate lineages. Fossil records may not capture every transitional form due to factors like incomplete preservation or sampling bias. Nonetheless, genetic evidence supports the common ancestry of humans and chimpanzees.

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Q: If evolution is true then why do no species exist between chimpanzees and humans?
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If evolution is true then why there is no species excisting in between chimpansie and human?

Humans did not evolve from chimpanzees, rather both humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor. A division happened with this common ancestor....some went on to become chimpanzees and some went on to become modern humans. There are common ancestors to both humans and chimps, but they are long extinct.

Is it rue that humans have not descended from chimpanzees but do have a common ancestor with them?

Yes, that's correct. Humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor that lived several million years ago. While humans and chimpanzees have diverged along separate evolutionary paths since then, they still share a significant amount of genetic material due to their common ancestry.

Are humans and chimpanzees the same species?

No they are a different species. We are both mammals.

The high degree of similarity between chimpanzee and human DNA suggests that?

Humans and chimpanzees share 94% of the same DNA. By comparing certain genes of chimpanzees to those of humans, scientists can tell the approximate number of generations since humans and chimpanzees shared a common ancestor. It is believed that the ancestors of humans and chimpanzees diverged between four and six million years ago. In other words, it is support for evolution and the fact that humans evolved from great apes.

What evidence is there that humans did NOT descend from chimpanzees?

Humans did not directly descend from modern-day chimpanzees; rather, we share a common ancestry with them. The evidence for this lies in the fossil record, genetic studies, and comparative anatomy, which all point to a divergence between the evolutionary lineages of humans and chimpanzees around 6-8 million years ago.

What is the difference between primates and chimpanzees?

All chimpanzees are primates but not all primates are chimpanzees. Humans, for instance, are primates.

What type of study is most appropriate for determining the time at which a common ancestor to humans and chimpanzees lived?

comparing DNA sequences between humans and chimpanzees Also,The more similar the DNA of two species, the more recently they diverged from a common ancestor

Are chimpanzees and gorillas homo sapiens?

No, chimpanzees and gorillas are not homo sapiens. Chimpanzees and gorillas belong to the Hominidae family, while homo sapiens are the only living members of the Homo genus.

How can you use Hominid in a sentence?

The only existing hominids are humans. To be a hominid a species must be closer to humans than chimpanzees.

Are monkeys human?

Humans are primates, but we are not monkeys. Monkeys are a different sub-species of primates. Humans are closely related to the ape species : Gorillas, Bonobos, Chimpanzees, Orangutans and Gibbons.

To what species do humans belong?

Since humans can breath on land, they are mammals since their close relatives of chimpanzees

How come chimpanzees aren't pets but saint bernards are-?

Chimpanzees aren't pets because they have not been domesticated by humans, like saint bernards, a species of dogs, were.