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Female Homo sapiens historically played roles related to gathering food, caring for offspring, and maintaining social connections within their communities. Over time, the roles and contributions of females have diversified and evolved to encompass various fields such as business, science, politics, and the arts. Today, women continue to make significant contributions to society in various capacities.

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What was the height of a female homo erectus?

On average, female Homo erectus individuals were about 4.9 to 5.6 feet tall. However, there is some variation in height among different populations of Homo erectus.

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The average male height of Homo habilis was about five feet tall and the female somewhat shorter, of course.

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Any organism that is the offspring of a male and female member of the 'homo sapien' genus/species, and therefore is a homo sapien themselves.

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For the female, Dicks. For the males, vaginas.

What did female Homo sapiens?

They gathered berries, fruits, dried roots and much more.

What did female homo sapien do?

They gathered berries, fruits, dried roots and much more.

How did the first woman conceive a baby on earth scientifically?

According to evolution, the first woman was descended from a common ancestor with apes. By person, you probably mean Homo Sapien. Homo Sapien's ancestors are Homo Erectus. Because the differences between the first female Homo Sapien, and her cousins, Homo Erectus were so slight, she would have mated with them, and produced Homo Sapien babies.

What is the scientific term for a man?

The taxonomical classification for a human being is Homo sapiens often abbreviated H. sapiens. The term is singular, so a number of persons would be called Homo sapia.Like any species, the male is simply called a male and the female, a female.

Does a male and female ladybug look different?

Yes, a little bit. The female is a little bit larger than the male, and the male is a brighter color.

What is the plural form of Homo habilis Homo erectus and Homo sapiens?

The plural form of Homo habilis is Homo habilis, the plural form of Homo erectus is Homo erectus, and the plural form of Homo sapiens is Homo sapiens.

What are the 7 scientific names of a human?

There is some dispute about the "seven" names. However, we do have "homo sapiens", "homo neandertalensis", "homo heidlebergensis","archaic homo sapiens", "homo ergaster","homo erectus", and "homo habilis".