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Eat, sleep, draw pictures, use tools, bury our dead, wear clothes, cook food, etc... There is even evidence that Neanderthals had some form of religion. they did

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Q: What do Neanderthals do that you still do today?
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What games did Neanderthals play?

CoD, they still do.

What is the relationship between red hair and Neanderthals?

Studies have shown that red hair is associated with Neanderthal DNA, as some Neanderthals carried a gene variant associated with red hair that was passed down through interbreeding with early humans. This genetic legacy can still be found in some modern human populations today.

Did neanderthals and humans interbreed?

that is still being debated, but the majority are going with "no"

How did humans go from neanderthals to what you are today?

Scientists believe that modern humans, Homo sapiens, coexisted with Neanderthals for a period of time before ultimately outcompeting them. Interbreeding between the two species likely occurred and some Neanderthal DNA still exists in modern human populations. Over time, Homo sapiens adapted and evolved traits that allowed them to thrive and eventually dominate the Earth.

Where the neanderthals disapear?

It is believed that Neanderthals went extinct about 40,000 years ago, possibly due to a combination of factors such as competition with modern humans, climate change, and limited adaptability. Interbreeding with early humans also contributed to their disappearance, as traces of Neanderthal DNA can still be found in some human populations today.

What is the country today of the neanderthals?

They lived throughout Europe, the Middle East, western and central Asia.

What was the weather like when the neanderthals existed?

Cold and snowy almost like antarctica today. It was during the ice age.

What is the most advanced tool a neanderthal could have used today?

There is no way to judge neanderthals intellectual capacity in detail.

One difference between early modern humans and neanderthals is that early modern humans?

had more sophisticated tools and art, as well as a more complex social structure than Neanderthals.

Did neanderthals believe in stuff?

Yes in a way.They were the first humans to care for each other and have feelings but not on such a level as humans today.

Did neanderthals have hobbies?

It is difficult to determine if neanderthals had specific hobbies as we understand them today. However, evidence suggests that they engaged in various activities such as making tools, creating art, and possibly caring for their dead, which may have been important aspects of their culture and daily life.

Did neanderthals have fun?

No not really, neanderthals were all about surival.