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Gnomonic Projection is used by navigators to plot great-circle routes.

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4d ago

Navigators use a Mercator projection chart to plot great circle routes. This chart allows them to draw a straight line, which represents the shortest distance between two points on a curved surface such as the Earth. By following this route, ships and planes can save time and fuel compared to following a rhumb line route.

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Q: What is used by navigators to plot great circle routes?
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What is used by the navigators to plot great circle routes?

Usually a computer. Most navigators do not have the skill to do this by themselves any more.

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The great circle route is the shortest route.It is just that if you plot a great circle path on a flat map (unless it is the equator or a line of longitude) it will look bent - this is an artifact of map projection.The actual difference in route lengths depends on the routes you are comparing.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The great circle route is the shortest route between two locations on a "roughly" spherical object like the earth. It is in effect the straight line between two locations along the surface of a sphere.By the straight route - I assume you mean a straight line on a 2D map. This usually does not coincide with the great circle route. The difference in length between a so-called straight route and a great circle route would then vary based on both the map projection selected and the location of the two endpoints of the journey.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------The SHORTEST line between two points on a sphere IS a GREAT CIRCLE.Also, by definition, the shortest line between two points IS the straight route.

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