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29% of Earth is land mass. Of that 29% humans occupy less than 1% of that area. Of the remaining 28% about 40% is pure wilderness. 14% is true desert and 15% has desert like characteristics. 9% is Antarctica. Most of the remaining 22% are agricultural areas. There may be other areas with a human footprint of some kind.

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∙ 10y ago
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∙ 3mo ago

Around 83% of Earth's land surface is directly influenced by human activities, such as agriculture, urban development, and infrastructure. This human-dominated land has profoundly impacted ecosystems and biodiversity around the world.

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∙ 10y ago

That cannot technically be answered without defining 'occupied'.

There is 148,940,000 sq KM of land mass on Earth.

There is 21,211 sq m available for each person

Antartica with 14,000,000 sq km is not 'occupied' but factors into the above sq m/person.

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∙ 14y ago

29% of Earth is land, and only 1% is occupied by humans.

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∙ 15y ago

There is no percentage. If so, percentage from what? There are a certain amount of people in the world, not percentage, and I don't know that number. Look it up!

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∙ 9y ago

The genus Homo which includes predecessors of humans, for 0.054%, modern humans for 0.0043%.

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Q: What percentage of land on earth is dominated by humans?
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Can anyone name something that is completely useless to humans and prove that the Earth was not 'created' for humans?

One example of something useless to humans is the vast stretches of uninhabitable land on Earth, such as deserts, frozen tundras, and deep ocean trenches. These areas do not support human life, which challenges the idea that the Earth was exclusively created for humans since a significant portion of the planet is inhospitable to us.

When did humans first appear on earth?

According to some geneologists (working from the Bible and using estimates of lifespan) around 6000 years ago. According to some other groups, somewhat before that, usually agreeing with the third group; According to current paleological work, modern humans appeared around 200 thousand years ago.

How did the last great ice age have an effect on humans settling in the Americas?

During the last great ice age, large ice sheets locked up much of Earth's water, lowering sea levels and creating a land bridge between Asia and North America known as Beringia. This allowed humans to migrate from Asia into North America, eventually leading to the settling of the Americas.

How did humans populate the Earth's continents?

Humans are believed to have initially evolved in Africa before migrating to other continents. This movement was facilitated by factors such as climate change, natural resources, and the development of tools for hunting and gathering. Over time, humans spread to different regions through a combination of land bridges, sea travel, and adaptation to diverse environments.

Why do scientists think the ice age encouraged ancestral humans to spread across the earth?

During the ice age, vast ice sheets covered much of the northern hemisphere, leading to lower sea levels and creating land bridges between continents. This provided ancestral humans with new opportunities to migrate and colonize areas that were previously inaccessible. The harsh conditions of the ice age may have also encouraged human populations to adapt, evolve, and develop new survival strategies, ultimately leading to their widespread distribution across the earth.