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yes cro-magnon definantely used fire. They used it for protection, hunting, cooking, and for heat.

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15y ago
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2d ago

Cro-Magnons likely used a combination of tools such as flint, sticks, and friction methods like fire drills or fire plows to make fire. These tools would have enabled them to create sparks or friction in order to ignite dry tinder and kindling.

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12y ago

Flints have been found in their caves, suggesting they struck two rocks together to create sparks. Fire would have been used to cook, keep warm, and offer protection from wild animals.

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12y ago

Flints have been found in their caves. They struck two rocks together to make sparks.

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12y ago

Yes. Flints were found in their caves.

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12y ago

Doubtful. He probably used dry brush.

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12y ago

Yes. They had mastered the use of fire.

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13y ago


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Q: What tools did cro magnons use to make fire?
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What is one way that the life style of cro magnos differed from the lifestyle?

One way the lifestyle of Cro-Magnons differed from Neanderthals is that Cro-Magnons were more advanced in terms of art and culture, creating intricate cave paintings and carving figurines. Cro-Magnons also had more diverse tools and weapons, indicating a higher level of innovation and adaptation.

What is one way that the lifestyle of cro-mangos differed from the lifestyle of neanderthal?

One way the lifestyle of Cro-Magnons differed from Neanderthals is that Cro-Magnons were more advanced in their tool-making techniques, using a wider variety of materials and creating more sophisticated tools for hunting and gathering. Cro-Magnons also had a more diverse diet and are thought to have engaged in more complex social structures and artistic expression.

Were the Cro-Magnons intelligent?

Yes, Cro-Magnons were early modern humans who exhibited intelligence similar to that of modern humans. They created art, tools, and lived in complex social structures, suggesting a high level of cognitive abilities.

What is one way that the lifestyle of co-magnons differed from the lifestyle of neanerthals?

One key difference is that Neanderthals were more nomadic, while Cro-Magnons tended to settle in one place for longer periods of time. Additionally, Cro-Magnons had more advanced tools and art, suggesting a more complex cultural and social organization compared to Neanderthals.

What tools did Cro-magnons use?

Cro-magnons used a variety of tools such as spears, axes, knives, scrapers, and awls made from bone, antler, and flint. They also used tools for grinding and polishing, like grinding stones and polishing stones. Cro-magnons were skilled hunters and gatherers, so their tools were essential for hunting, preparing food, and creating clothing and shelters.

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What what is one way that the lifestyle of Cro-magnons differed from the lifestyle of Neanderthals?

Cro-Magnons had better tools, making them better hunters.They painted on cave walls.

How did the neanderthal lifestyle differ from that of the cro-magon lifestyle?

Cro-Magnons had better tools, making them better hunters.

When was The Cro-Magnons created?

The Cro-Magnons were a prehistoric human population that lived approximately 40,000 to 10,000 years ago during the Upper Paleolithic period. They are known for their anatomical similarities to modern humans and their advanced tool-making abilities.

What is the cro-magnons shelter?

cro magnons shelter is large caves I guess!?

What is likely to evolve directly from cro magnons?

Cro-Magnons evolved into modern Europeans.

How did the cro-magnons people differ homo erectus?

Homo erectus differed from cro-magnon because homo erectus began tools for special tools. They dug for food in the ground, cut meat from animals and scraped meat from animal skins. Homo erectus also began using fire and may have had the first spoken language. Cro-magnon they had more skills at speaking. Cro-magnons were better at finding food. Cro-magnon people created works of art.

How did the cro magnons people differ homo erectus?

Homo erectus differed from cro-magnon because homo erectus began tools for special tools. They dug for food in the ground, cut meat from animals and scraped meat from animal skins. Homo erectus also began using fire and may have had the first spoken language. Cro-magnon they had more skills at speaking. Cro-magnons were better at finding food. Cro-magnon people created works of art.

Did the cro magnon use tools?

Cro-Magnons used tools such as hooks, spears, bows, and arrows. They also may have used axes and types of needles, which were used for sewing.

What tools did the cro-magnon use?

Cro-Magnons used tools such as hooks, spears, bows, and arrows. They also may have used axes and types of needles, which were used for sewing.

How did Cro-Magnons communicate?

Cro-Magnons were early modern humans. They spoke just like we do.

Could Cro-Magnons make artwork?

yeah they can make artwork of your mom

What do cro-magnons look like?

The Cro-Magnons were early modern humans. They looked just like we do.