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the evidence that scientists use to study prehistoric times is looking for places where people may have lived long agomy name is Stephanie opene and i am a lesbian

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4d ago

Scientists use a variety of evidence to study prehistoric times, including fossils, geologic strata, archaeological artifacts, DNA analysis, climate data, and isotopic analysis of elements found in ancient specimens. By examining these different types of evidence, scientists can reconstruct past environments, track the evolution of species, and understand human history.

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Q: What types of evidence do scientists use to study prehistoric times?
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What diseases were there in prehistoric times?

In prehistoric times, diseases such as tuberculosis, syphilis, leprosy, and dental cavities were present. Evidence from skeletal remains and archaeological studies provide insights into the health challenges faced by ancient populations.

How do scientists know that people lived in South Carolina during prehistoric times?

Scientists have discovered evidence of human habitation in South Carolina during prehistoric times through archaeological excavations. Artifacts such as tools, pottery, and structures have been found at various sites, providing clues about the activities and lifestyles of ancient people in the region. Radiocarbon dating of organic materials found at these sites has also helped scientists determine the age of the artifacts and establish a timeline of human occupation in South Carolina.

Did the cavemen live in the prehistoric time?

Yes, cavemen lived during the prehistoric times, which typically refers to the period of time before written records were kept. The term "cavemen" is often used to describe early human ancestors who lived in caves or simple shelters and relied on hunting and gathering for survival.

Was the tyranasourous-rex around in the prehistoric times?

Yes, the Tyrannosaurus rex lived during the Late Cretaceous period, which was part of the Mesozoic Era, known as the "Age of Dinosaurs." It roamed the Earth around 68-66 million years ago.

What do caveman hold?

Cavemen held tools made of stone, wood, or bone to hunt, gather food, and build shelter. These tools were essential for their survival and daily activities in prehistoric times.

Related questions

What are the scientists who study prehistoric times called?

two types of scientists who specialize in prehistoric times are 1) Paleontologists, they studied dinosaurs and such and 2) Paleobotonists, they study prehistoric plants.

What are the similarities between Paleobotany and a Paleontology?

Paleobotany is the study of pre-historic plants on the basis of fossil evidence while Paleontology is the study of life in prehistoric times by using fossil evidence. The only similarity is that they both gain their evidences from fossils.

Where do scientists believe plants evolved?

They believed plants evolved from prehistoric times.

How much did the prehistoric anaconda weigh?

Scientists recorded that the prehistoric anaconda weighed about 3 to 4 times the weight of the modern anaconda.

Scientists learn about prehistoric times by studying?

Archaeology, artifacts ect, and palaeontology/ paleontologists fossils ect.

How do you use Paleontology in a sentence?

It was a remarkable project, and the book instantly became a valuable contribution to paleontology. The scientific study of fossils is known as paleontology.

What is a palaeoichnologist?

Paleontology is the study of fossils, therefore a paleontologist is a person who studies fossils.

What diseases were there in prehistoric times?

In prehistoric times, diseases such as tuberculosis, syphilis, leprosy, and dental cavities were present. Evidence from skeletal remains and archaeological studies provide insights into the health challenges faced by ancient populations.

When was the first time the scientists found out that the human body had a skull in it?

The existence of the skull has been known since prehistoric times.

What were decomposers in prehistoric times?

What are decomposers of the prehistoric times

Scientists who study the forms of life existing in prehistoric times?

That kind of scientist is called a PaleontologistPaleontology or palaeontology is the scientific study of life that existed prior to the Holocene Epoch (roughly 11,700 years ago).

Who studies prehistoric forms of life?

Paleontologists study prehistoric life forms. They use fossil remains to determine several aspects of various organisms who lived in ancient times.