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Neanderthals are believed to have lived in small groups or bands, with evidence suggesting they cared for the sick and disabled members. They likely communicated through a combination of gestures, vocalizations, and possibly even symbolic behaviors. Some researchers also suggest they may have had rituals or burial practices, indicating a level of social complexity.

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Q: What were the neanderthals social behavior?
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What type of behavior is associated with Neanderthals?

Neanderthals are believed to have exhibited behaviors such as hunting large game, using tools, creating art, conducting burial rituals, and caring for their sick and elderly. They were also thought to have had complex social structures and communicated with language.

Who were the neanderthals and why are they important?

Neanderthals were an ancient human species that lived in Europe and parts of western Asia. They are important as our closest extinct human relatives, providing insights into human evolution and behavior. Studies suggest that they had complex social structures, used tools, and may have even had some form of symbolic expression.

How did neanderthals dispose of their dead?

Evidence suggests that Neanderthals buried their dead, sometimes accompanied by tools, food, or flowers. This practice implies a level of symbolic or ritualistic behavior in Neanderthal culture.

What was the Early Modern Humans and Neanderthals Social Behaviors like?

Early Modern Humans and Neanderthals had social behaviors that included hunting in groups, creating tools, caring for their young, and potentially engaging in symbolic behaviors such as burying their dead. Neanderthals are thought to have had close-knit family groups, while early modern humans had more complex social structures that may have contributed to their successful expansion across different environments.

What made neanderthals human-like?

Neanderthals had similar physical characteristics to modern humans, such as large brains, sophisticated tool-making abilities, and the ability to communicate. They also engaged in symbolic behavior, created art, and buried their dead, suggesting they had complex social structures and cultural practices. These traits indicate a level of cognitive and behavioral complexity that is characteristic of human-like beings.

Related questions

What type of behavior is associated with Neanderthals?

Neanderthals are believed to have exhibited behaviors such as hunting large game, using tools, creating art, conducting burial rituals, and caring for their sick and elderly. They were also thought to have had complex social structures and communicated with language.

What was the Early Modern Humans and Neanderthals Social Behaviors like?

Early Modern Humans and Neanderthals had social behaviors that included hunting in groups, creating tools, caring for their young, and potentially engaging in symbolic behaviors such as burying their dead. Neanderthals are thought to have had close-knit family groups, while early modern humans had more complex social structures that may have contributed to their successful expansion across different environments.

What is true about social behavior?

Social behavior usually involves communication

How social influence affects behavior?

how is social influence affects behavior

What true about social behavior?

Social behavior usually involves communication

What is sociall behavior?

Social behavior is defined as the behavior that takes place within society or between two members of an identical species. After social behavior, social actions, which are aimed at other people in anticipation of a response, are enacted. Examples of social behavior include friendliness and shyness.

What the are major interests of sociologists?

Social groups,cultural influences, social behavior,social change, and behavior

What are the five major interests of sociologists?

Social groups,cultural influences, social behavior,social change, and behavior

What is proper social behavior?

This question is too vague...What type of social situation are you referring to? "proper social behavior" would be a manner of behavior accepted as correct by most resonable people.

What types of behavior is best classified as a form of social behavior?

courtship behavior

What type of behavior is best classified as a form of social behavior?

courtship behavior

What is the difference between social ethics and human behavior?

Social ethics is learned through culture, while human behavior is what is influenced by social ethics. Human behavior is also based on culture.