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The five groups of early human were autrlapithacines, homo erectus, homo habilis, neanderthal, and cromagnons.

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2d ago

The five groups of early humans are Australopithecus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Neanderthals, and Homo sapiens. These groups evolved over time and shared common ancestors, with Homo sapiens being the only surviving group.

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Homo sapiens

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Q: Who were the five groups of early humans?
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How did early humans lived and why do they live in groups?

Early humans lived in groups for protection, hunting, gathering food, and sharing resources. Living in groups increased their chances of survival in a harsh environment. By collaborating and working together, they were able to defend against predators, find food more efficiently, and care for each other.

What are the difference in the way of life between early and modern humans?

Early humans were hunter-gatherers, relying on hunting and gathering for food. They lived in small, nomadic groups. Modern humans have settled in permanent communities, practice agriculture, and have more complex social structures. They also have access to technology that early humans did not, leading to significant advancements in various aspects of life.

Why did Homo sapiens lived in groups?

For survival. Alone, they can die easier by predators, so early humans lived as groups, protecting and caring for one another.

Why did early humans hunt and gather in groups?

Early humans hunted and gathered in groups for several reasons: improved efficiency in acquiring food, enhanced protection against predators, and increased social interaction for survival and reproduction. Group hunting enabled them to take down large prey, while gathering in groups allowed for the sharing of knowledge about edible plants and resources.

Why did early humans move in groups?

Early humans moved in groups for safety, collaboration in hunting and gathering food, sharing knowledge, and to increase chances of survival in a challenging environment. Group living also provided social support and helped with tasks like shelter-building and caring for offspring.

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How did early humans lived and why do they live in groups?

Early humans lived in groups for protection, hunting, gathering food, and sharing resources. Living in groups increased their chances of survival in a harsh environment. By collaborating and working together, they were able to defend against predators, find food more efficiently, and care for each other.

Why did early humans move in groups?

Early humans moved in groups for safety, collaboration in hunting and gathering food, sharing knowledge, and to increase chances of survival in a challenging environment. Group living also provided social support and helped with tasks like shelter-building and caring for offspring.

Why did Homo sapiens lived in groups?

For survival. Alone, they can die easier by predators, so early humans lived as groups, protecting and caring for one another.

Why did Homo sapiens living groups?

For survival. Alone, they can die easier by predators, so early humans lived as groups, protecting and caring for one another.

What was one reason why groups of early humans rarely stayed in one place for very long?

Some early humans were nomadic because they did not know anything about agriculture and they had to follow the food (buffalo, deer, etc...) where ever it moved to.

How early people lived and why they lived groups?

Idk about first but... Do humans have thorns sticking out of backs or a hard shell or strong teeth but what do we have? We have cooperation that's how humans survived so long.

What do archaeologists have to do with early humans?

Archaeologists study early humans by examining their artifacts, tools, and structures to learn about their behaviors, technology, and lifestyles. This can help paint a more detailed picture of our ancestors and how they lived, hunted, and interacted with their environment. By uncovering and analyzing these remnants of the past, archaeologists contribute crucial insights into our shared human history.

How and why the early humans started to lead a setteld life and how the early settlements gave birth to civilization in India sub continent?

they lead to living in groups and travelled here and there in search of food and water

How many different groups of Shigella can affect humans?

Four different groups of Shigella can affect humans.

How did early humans get their foods?

They got food by hunting in groups Called Stone age As they hunted women gathered Nuts Berries Water Etc.

What happens when you divide twenty into five equal groups?

You will have four in each of the five groups.

How many groups of five could be selected out of ten?

Two groups of five is ten