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Q: Inherited classic car - do you have to pay taxes when car is sold?
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If you sold your car do you owe taxes?


Do you have to pay taxes on a classic car?

If it is registered, yes. The MVD determines the value.

Does Texas have a classic car insurance policy?

No, the coverage not specific to a classic car but you can insure it. Texas does not have property taxes so you will pay more for other things like insurance.

What kind of tax benefits are there for a charitable car donation?

You can write off the total value for which the car is sold by the charity from your federal income taxes.

If you have owned a classic car for over 10 years and get a profit on the sale with appreciation do you pay tax on the sale?

The purchaser pays the taxes.

Which Classic car oil?

Depends on which classic car.

Can you buy classic used cars at car shows?

The cars are sometimes sold and sometimes are just for looking. You will have to call them to see what the deal is.

Where can I get classic car insurance in Georgia?

You can find Classic Car Insurance at First National Car Insurance Group, Geico and of course you can find Classic Car Insurance from Haggerty Classic Car Insurance.

When was My Classic Car created?

My Classic Car was created in 1997.

What is the duration of My Classic Car?

The duration of My Classic Car is 1800.0 seconds.

Which car is more expensive than any other?

Prices change rapidly but some classic antique cars have sold for many millions

What was the average pricce for a new car in 1987?

A brand new 1987 Chevrolet Caprice Classic 4 door sedan sold for $12,000.