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its new stone age

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Flint tools were commonly associated with the Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic era. During this time, early humans used flint to create tools for hunting and survival, marking an important development in human history.

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old stone age

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Q: Is flint old Stone Age or the New Stone Age?
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Is flint from the new stone age or old stone age?

Flint tools were commonly used during the Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic era. This period predates the New Stone Age, also called the Neolithic era, where more advanced tools and techniques were developed for agriculture and settlement.

Compare and contrast the old age and the new stone age?

The Old Stone Age, or Paleolithic period, was characterized by hunting and gathering as the main way of obtaining food, while the New Stone Age, or Neolithic period, saw the development of agriculture and animal domestication. The Old Stone Age featured simple tools and weapons made of stone, while the New Stone Age saw the advancement of stone tools, pottery, and more complex societies. The transition from the Old Stone Age to the New Stone Age marked a significant shift in human lifestyle and marked the beginning of settled communities.

What is the old stone age and the new stone age?

The Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic Age, refers to a period in prehistory characterized by the use of simple stone tools. The New Stone Age, or Neolithic Age, followed the Old Stone Age and is marked by the development of agriculture, pottery, and more complex tools and technologies.

What did the people from the old stone age make stone out of?

People from the Old Stone Age primarily made tools and weapons from materials such as flint, obsidian, and chert. These stones were readily available in their environment and were easily shaped through processes such as knapping.

Into what two parts is the Stone Age divided?

The Stone Age is divided into the Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age) and the Neolithic Age (New Stone Age). The Paleolithic Age is characterized by the use of simple stone tools, while the Neolithic Age saw the development of agriculture and more complex tools and technologies.

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Old stone age or new stone age flint?


Is flint from the new stone age or old stone age?

Flint tools were commonly used during the Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic era. This period predates the New Stone Age, also called the Neolithic era, where more advanced tools and techniques were developed for agriculture and settlement.

Is farming from the new stone age or the old stone age?

old stone age

Is farming from the old stone age or the new stone age?

it is new stone age

Is hand axes in the new stone age or the old stone age?

old stone age

Is sturdy hoes from new stone age or old stone age?

new stone age

Is permanent settlements Old Stone Age or the New Stone Age?

new stone age

Is nomadic lifestyle new stone age or old stone age?

New stone age

How old is the old stone age and new stone age last?


How old stone age and new stone age alike?

about 12000 years ago for the old stone and i dont now how old for the new stone age

Is hunting and gathering new stone age or old stone age?

Hunting and Gathering is old stone age.

Was the wheel invented in the new stone age or the old stone age?
