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I am very sorry to hear about your beloved pet and I know it's not easy to see them ill. I've had to go through this several times myself with many of my past pets. Congestive heart failure is biding for time with your pet. The vet is doing everything he/she can. It's time you went and saw your vet and simply told him/her that when they think your pet is no longer enjoying life and their health problems are causing them stress to let you know when to put your pet to sleep. I know this is heart breaking, but the pet owner must have empathy as to how much their pet is suffering. Dogs are much like people and when they have Congestive heart failure their appetite can go down a great deal and also it could be the signs of your pet's heart simply giving out. When the heart is this bad it affects other organs and it's simply a matter of time. Generally the heart is surrounded by fluid and the dog may go into pneumonia. I had a Cairn Terrier (the love of my life) and she had Cushing's Disease (cancer.) I had the lump removed, but she was never quite the same after that. Our vet suggested cancer treatment, but I read enough about it that I decided not to go down this road (not because of money issues) but the quality of our beloved pet's few good years left. We discussed this with our vet and my husband and I slowed down our pace of life and spent quality of time with our Daisy. We had wonderful times together and every couple of weeks I'd take her in mainly to be sure she was not in pain. She never was and she became very ill 10 months later (on a long weekend of course) and we had to rush her off to ER. We stayed with her for hours and it was evident that she wouldn't be with us much longer and we were there when she was put to sleep. We were heart-broken, but thankful she didn't have to suffer any longer. Please talk candidly to your vet and go from there.

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Q: 10 year old Beagle who is under the care of a vet He has congestive heart failure He is on Antibiotics water pills thyroid pills and enalperal stopped eating six days ago drinks water why wont he eat?
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