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- Vincent Van Gogh did not cut off his ear. He only cut off a small portion of his ear lobe.

- He shot him self in a sunflower field.

- He had 2 brothers Theo and Cor.

- He only painted for 1 decade -- during which he painted 1000 paintings but only sold -one

- Van Gogh created his most famous work The Starry Nightwhile staying in an asylum in Saint-Remy-de-Provence, France.

- Vincent's earliest career aspiration was to be a pastor in the Dutch Reformed Church like his father.

- Van Gogh wrote over 800 letters in his lifetime. The majority of them written to Theo

- Vincent's brother's wife collected Vincent's paintings and letters after his death and dedicated herself to getting his work the recognition it deserved.

- Van Gogh became famous after death

- Van Gogh was color blind

Sorry that's all I know

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