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Q: A tiny pre-teen boy in a family of regular sized people cartoons?
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Related questions

Who sees cartoons?

Millions of people see cartoons.

Why do cartoons make people antisocial?

Wait, how do cartoons make people antisocial? That's what I'm wondering...

Why do people hate cartoons when they turn into adults?

because some cartoons can be to dumb for adults

Why do some people watch only cartoons if they know it doesn't make them grown up and mature?

because there fun to watch with family especially with kids

Why do cartoons make people relax?

cartoons make people relax because people know that would never happen to them so they can dream about it and wish it did !

When people say that people watch too much cartoons do they mean watching only cartoons?

yes it means you watch to many of them

Why do people like to watch immature cartoons?

Because immature cartoons are "silly", and some people find that funny, being immature or not.

What did the nativists use to try to turn people against recent immigration?

political cartoons.

Why do people rush you to grow up when you are a teenager or a preteen?

because they want to be independet

What are the differences between people who watch cartoons and people who don't watch them?

There was a time when we might have said that cartoons are for children, but in recent decades we have had a number of very successful adult oriented cartoons, of which "The Simpsons" is the best known and longest running. Practically anyone can find some cartoon that is to their taste. However, some people are too busy to watch cartoons, or too impoverished to own a television, or are otherwise incapacitated. People in a coma do not watch cartoons.

Why do some people who love anime hate cartoons?

i guess its because anime is so better then cartoons :D

Why do people like Japanese cartoons?

Most people that like it seem to like the art style more than western cartoons. It is really a personal preference.