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Q: Almost all the Elements on Earth were produced in Supernovae?
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Elements found on earth have much to do with?


What is the origin of Tungsten?

Tungsten occurs naturally on Earth. It is expected to have been produced by the same supernovae that produced our other heavy elements. It was first identified by Johan Gottschalk Wallerius in 1747. There are mines in Europe and China that produce most of it. A few mines in North and South America. I hope I guessed which "origin" you intended...

How is a supernova related to matter found on earth?

A supernova is a star that explodes. Stars about the size of our Sun explode when they run out of "fuel". The fuel they have is Hydrogen which they fuse into Helium and thus convert mass into energy (they shine brightly), Then the Helium and some Hydrogen are fused into heavier elements (Lithium etc) making more energy. All elements heavier than Carbon and lighter than Iron are made in the supernova explosion that comes at the end of the star's "life". Heavier stars will make even heavier elements. The Earth is mostly made of these heavier elements. We are all stardust.

Why are supernovae essential for our existence?

Supernovae are essential for our existence because it distributed elements heavier than helium (those heavy elements are created in the star that later became the supernova) into the space. Those elements include carbon, oxygen, calcium, iron, iodine, and much more. Without those heavy elements, the Earth would not exist as a rocky planet, and essential elements for life would also not be available.

Did supernovas exist before life on earth?

The first supernova was probably about 450 million years after the big bang, when the first, massive stars (Population III stars) exploded filling the Universe with the first heavy elements. These elements were "absorbed" by population II stars, which again exploded as supernovae. These metal enriched stars populated the Universe with the rest of the known elements. So supernova were around well before life on Earth. In fact without supernovae there would be NO life on Earth.

Why can elements be produced in the sun but not in earths atmosphere?

because the sun has some elements & compounds that the earth needs to make elements

Why are supernovas important to the existence of life on earth?

Supernovae are when very massive stars finally come to the end of their life. They are important events as during the very short period in which the explosion occurs, temperatures and pressures are sufficient to fuse atoms, making heavier elements. Any elements with a nucleus heavier than the iron nucleus would have had to be formed during a supernova explosion.

What produced the iron and heavier elements like gold and silver in the Earth's core and crust?

evry element in the periodic table above hydrogen is produced by nuclear fusion in the cores of a star, upto and including iron, afte iron the energies required to fuse iron are not obtainable at the pressures and temperatures in a stars core even though they are massive, the heavier elements are produced during a supernovae were the blast shockwave forces the atoms so closr together and thus generates such incredible temperatures and pressures that iron is forced to fuse with itself and lighter elements so producing the rest of the elements which are then scattered throughout the local area as cosmic dust which can go on to form future planets like our own earth.

Which category almost never reacts with the other elements?

Alkaline earth metals

Why can elements produced in the sun but not in the earth atmosphere?

The earth's atmosphere is not hot enough for thermonuclear fusion to take place.

What are some useful applications for the colored flame produced when alkali and alkaline earth elements are heated?

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Why can elements be produced in the sun but not in the earths atmosphere?

The temperature and pressure in the sun are just a bit higher than anywhere on Earth.