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Students who need the answers to the tonal harmony workbook pages 264-272 will not locate them online. They will need to review the information in their textbooks to know the answers.

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Q: Answers in the tonal harmony workbook pg 264-272?
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In tonal harmony, or rather in most genres of popular music, most of which happen to be tonal, people grow up listening to, then writing, then listening again to what you may call "tertial" harmony: chords built of superimposed thirds from a given fundamental or "root". Now, some books (some Berklee textbooks included), present variations on these structures, but for the most part they suggest you use them as "reductions", implications, or plain ol' voicings that, in a tonal context, will function as the chords they are supposed to imply.

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A tonal bar is for when you sketch the different shades of tone you can get in a bar.

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No, it is not. In fact, in all of Europe, only the following languages have tonal characteristics:SwedishNorwegianSerbo-CroatianSloveneLithuanianLatvianLimburgishLuxembourgish

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What is an tonal range?

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