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No, gamma rays are not neutrons. They are electromagnetic rays or electromagnetic energy.

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Q: Are gamma rays neutrons
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What are Gamma rays and neutrons used for?

Go on WIkipedia.

What is the quality factor of gamma rays?

Gamma rays have a quality factor of about one.

What were the rays emanating from uranium?

* Alpha rays (particles) * Beta rays * Gamma rays * Spontaneous fission neutrons

Who have the highest energy gamma rays or neutrons produced from nuclear reactor?

Not sure

What radiation is released in the first 60 seconds after the detonation?

Light, thermal, ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma rays, neutrons, beta. Later the fallout will release alpha, beta, and gamma rays.

What does the fission of U 235 produce?

Heat, fission products, neutrons, gamma rays

What are the harmful rays radiated from uranium?

Principally alpha particles, but also gamma rays, neutrons from the spontaneous fission, etc.

What is the harmful radiation released by nuclear wastes?

There are various kinds of harmful ionizing radiation. These include alpha, beta, and gamma rays; free neutrons; X-rays; and ultraviolet light. Depending on the specifics of the waste, nuclear waste can emit alpha, beta, and gamma rays, and neutrons.

Does uranium give of invisible rays?

Yes, uranium isotopes emit alpha particles, gamma rays, beta rays, spontaneous fission neutrons.

What kind of rays does uranium 235 and plutonium 239 release?

Plutonium 239 emit: alpha, gamma, spontaneous fission neutrons Uranium 235 emit: alpha, gamma, spontaneous fission neutrons

What kind of gamma ray can penetrate solids?

Gamma rays are gamma rays are gamma rays.

When an atom has an unbalanced ratio of protons and neutrons what will it do to try to stabilze itself?

release particles & gamma rays , A+