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In appearence, they seem asexual, but I assume there are both male and female moogles.

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Q: Are moogles from final fantasy or kingdom hearts video games boys or girls?
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What are some fighting games like kingdom of hearts where the chararcters talk like in kingdom of hearts?

well, I don't really get your question, but some fighting games like kingdom hearts are the final fantasy series; some of the characters from different final fantasy series appear in kingdom hearts as well.

Is Final Fantasy anything like Kingdom Hearts?

Kind of. Kingdom Hearts u have all ur characters around Sora and on Final Fantasy, they are al with Cloud but u jus cant see them. When u meet a enemy in Final Fantasy it goes PSHHHHH and u go into battlemode but in Kingdom Hearts u just fight as u go and u can ignore them if u want to

Why are Cloud and Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts?

Cloud and Sephiroth are in Kingdom Hearts because it's director, concept artist, and character designer is Tetsuya Nomura. Tetsuya Nomura is also the character designer for Final Fantasy VII and since both games are made by the same company, they added certain Final Fantasy characters into Kingdom Hearts. The basic concept of Kingdom Hearts is a Disney/Square Enix hybrid.

Who is Leon in Kingdom Hearts?

Leon is a side character that appears in most of the Kingdom Hearts games. His true identity is Squall Leonheart, the main character from Final Fantasy VIII. In the first Kingdom Hearts game Yuffie (another side character, originating from Final Fantasy VII) calls him Squall, but is quickly rebuffed, as Leon tells her he no longer goes by that name. It is not explained why, however.

Is Riku a girl?

Riku is a male character for the Kingdom Hearts series.Rikku is a female character from Final Fantasy X (10).

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Is sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts and Final fantasy?

Yes, Sephiroth, originally from Final Fantasy VII, appears in both Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2.

What do moggles eat off of finial fantasy?

Moogles are a popular race off of Final Fantasy. These Moogles eat Kupo Nuts and vines. The Moogles were introduced in Final Fantasy III, and they have been in every game since.

What is a moogle?

A moogle is a Final Fantasy character that are some kind of white cat that has a red ball on its antenna, a red nose and has black wings. A moogle can be found in almost any of the Final Fantasy games and also in Kingdom Hearts. A moogle has a very high level and can be used for some games as a party member. A moogles' voice is always described as KUPOH and has a strange sound in the Kingdom hearts.

What does Square Enix own?

Kingdom Hearts,and Final Fantasy.

In either the Final Fantasy series or the Kingdom Hearts series which character wielded the Gun Blade?

Squall (Leon) Leonhart wielded the gunblade in kingdom hearts and final fantasy VIII.

Is squall Leonheart dead?

No, he does not die, meaning that he is not dead. He's even a character in Kingdom Hearts. Very rarely (except for Aerith) are the Final Fantasy characters that show up in Kingdom Hearts dead in the Final Fantasy games. I think that Aerith is the only one who is dead in Final Fantasy, but is alive in Kingdom Hearts.

Why can't Kingdom Hearts graphics be like Final Fantasy?

Kingdom Hearts is purposefully trying for a disney aesthetic. The charm of the series is seeing Final Fantasy characters rendered as if they were Disney characters.

What games are cloud in besides kingdom hearts and final fantasy 7?

erghiez and dissidia. both are final fantasy fighting games

What are some fighting games like kingdom of hearts where the chararcters talk like in kingdom of hearts?

well, I don't really get your question, but some fighting games like kingdom hearts are the final fantasy series; some of the characters from different final fantasy series appear in kingdom hearts as well.

What kind of a game is Kingdom Hearts?

Final Fantasy, also made by Square Enix, is a very popular series of games like Kingdom Hearts. Each version of Final Fantasy has it's own plotline. For instance, Final Fantasy VII (7) has a different plot than Final Fantasy XII (12).

Is Kairi a Final Fantasy character?

Thats a Kingdom hearts character

Was Sora in any of the Final Fantasy series games?

There was a Sora in Final Fantasy II but not the same Sora from Kingdom Hearts.