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Quarks have not been observed to exist separately - they are "confined" within larger particles such as protons and neutrons, that are made up of several quarks (3 each, in the case of protons and neutrons).

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No, quarks have mass and nothing with mass is allowed to reach the speed of light no matter how much energy is used to accelerate it.

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It depends on how much energy it has

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Q: Are quarks traveling at the speed of light?
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When the light is traveling through vacuum.

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Heat waves traveling at the speed of light are called photon waves.

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Electrons are able to travel close to speed of light.

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Massless particles traveling at the speed of light include photons, the particles of light. They have no rest mass and always move at the speed of light in a vacuum according to the theory of special relativity.

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To an outside observer a person traveling at the speed of light would be frozen in time. To the person traveling at the speed of light, things would seem normal.

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ANY light traveling through the same medium (stuff) has the same speed.

What is the same for all photon traveling through a vacuum?

All photons traveling through a vacuum have the same speed, which is the speed of light in a vacuum, approximately 299,792 kilometers per second.

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the same as you were if you weren't.

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Traveling on a beam of light is not possible for objects with mass, as light moves at the fastest speed in the universe and cannot be caught up to. Traveling at the speed of light would also cause time dilation effects, where time would appear to stand still for the traveler.

What is the property of light that allows it to travel at that speed?

The speed of light is determined by the electric and magnetic properties of the stuff it's traveling through. The "light" itself is just electrostatic and magnetic fields traveling together through the stuff. Change the electrical properties of the medium, and you change the speed of light through it.

Does light speed up or down when traveling from air into glass?

The speed of light is always the same: 300,000 kilometers per second.