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There are over a hundred different forms of Arthritis and the treatment for these may be different to answer this question you would have to add what sort of arthritis and what the treatment is that you are referring too.

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Q: Are there better treatments for arthritis?
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Gold salt injections were one of the original medications developed specifically to treat rheumatoid arthritis. However better treatments have been developed.

Is arthritis curable or non curable?

Arthritis is not curable. However, there are effective treatments available.

What are the treatments to arthritis?

Most doctors prescribe medications to help lessen the affects of arthritis.

Certo arthritis cure?

There is no cure for arthritis. There are over a hundred different forms of arthritis and while there are treatments for its control and pain there is to date no cure.

Are NSAID medications appropriate arthritis treatments?

Yes NSAID medications are a good for treating arthritis. However there are many different types of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is the primary one for used with NDAIDs.

What are the treatments for a dog who has arthritis?

They usually prescribe anti inflammatory'slike prednosone.

Is there an invention for people with arthritis?

there are many treatments available to relieve the pain and reduce the symptoms of arthritis, however at this point there is no cure yet.

What should I know after being diagnosed with arthritis?

You will need to talk to your doctor in depth about the type of arthritis you have and treatments available. You may also want to do physical therapy to strengthen the muscles around the arthritis.

How much NONI should I take for arthritis?

It seems from what I have been able to find out about this stuff. the less the better. arthritis can be a serious and damaging disease. If not treated with care it can cripple you, by all mean look at alternative treatments but in the meantime make sure that what you are doing for it reduces the creation of damage.

Is Arthritis not a terminal deseas?

Arthritis as such is not a terminal disease. However arthritis especially rheumatoid arthritis which is an immune system disease can lead to the development of other diseases that may be capable of killing you or the treatments used for various forms of arthritis can lead to death. However no one actually dies of arthritis.

What cures Arthritis?

To date there is no generally recognized cure for Arthritis. There are only treatments that help keep damage under control or replace damage joints.

What medicine cures arthritis?

It seems that there is no cure for Rheumatoid arthritis. But you can use rheumatoid arthritis diet to keep the rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms under control.